Have your say: potential for more flights over Brixton Hill

planeoverheadWe have been advised by the Heathrow Association for the Control of Airport Noise (HACAN) that there is a consultation being carried out by London City Airport on proposed flight path changes.

Although it will largely affect North East London, it will also have an impact of parts of South London on the days that there is an East wind (about 30% of the time).  What City Airport are proposing is that, on those days, all planes going to City Airport will be diverted to a flight path over a narrow corridor. The changes means planes will be concentrated over particular communities, and in Lambeth the affected communities will be in Herne Hill, Brixton, Stockwell and Vauxhall.  Residents are likely to experience constant noise from air crafts if the proposed changes go through – see page 33 of the consultation document for details.

Apart from putting the document on its website, London City is not pro-actively seeking to inform residents in the affected areas about the proposed changes.  We are therefore keen that local community groups and residents know about the consultation documents and are aware of the proposals.

There is a public meeting  organised by HACAN to discuss the proposal which Lambeth’s Cabinet Member for Environment & Sustainability, Cllr Jennifer Brathwaite, will be attending.  It is on 3rd Nov 7.30 at Wanstead Library London next to Wanstead Tube Station and residents are welcome to attend.

2 thoughts on “Have your say: potential for more flights over Brixton Hill

  1. Thank you for keeping us posted. We live in Brading road/ Brixton Hill, and since the aeroplanes began to descend much lower from the 17th September, we have felt as if we are living in Syria/ underneath Russian invasion. It has been absolutely terrible. We have the flight path in front of our home and the back of our home constantly. Even during the nights. Hence l am now suffering with high anxiety and panic attacks, and so am returning to see my family in Wales for a couple of weeks next Monday. Unfortunately this means l will miss your very important meeting on the 3rd November. I have already notified London city airport and Heathrow about what they are putting the local residents under. They really will have blood guilt on their conscience’s soon, as many people will be driven to suicide or hate rages due to the stress caused by such high volume of constant noise. I honestly don’t know how l can continue to live in my home now of 18 years. The fumes, and the constant noise are killing us.
    Thank you for all your help and support,
    Warm regards, Bridget Montgomery,

    • The planes are far too low over the hill, and too close as regards all their many flight paths. The planes need to stay up higher in the sky and all fly further apart. The air is already toxic to breathe in, and all the different birds living in and around our gardens have suddenly disappeared. ( This has never ever happened before) The birds feel the vibration of the planes. To be honest. It’s absolutely disgusting what the aviation company are doing to London. We already have enough noise and pollution here in what was once a beautiful city. NO LONGER

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