Worried about toxic air around Brixton? Want to do something about it?

Did you know that Brixton is in the top 20% in London for levels of traffic and pollution, but the bottom 20% in London for people who own a car? And that on high pollution days in Lambeth, visits to local GPs and treatment for respiratory problems increase significantly

(And this is despite the fantastic news that Mayor Khan’s Low Emission Bus Zone in Brixton has seen annual mean NO2 concentrations fall by 49%.)

Do you want to change that? We do, and we’ve got some ideas we’d like you to look at.

To help tackle some of these problems, Lambeth Council is working with Transport for London on the Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood project. We want to make streets in and around Brixton safer and healthier for everyone, and tackle the climate change emergency.

Visit Brixtonstreets.commonplace.is to view the ideas and have your say.

The survey is open until Sunday 7 March 2020.

Drop-in session for new fibre broadband provider in Brixton Hill

A new telecoms provider, G.Network, is planning to install new fibre broadband throughout Lambeth in 2020, starting with Coldharbour and Brixton Hill. In Brixton Hill, it says, only 8.6% of residents can access upgraded “full fibre” connections and improving this infrastructure locally is a priority for us.

As part of this expansion plan, G.Network are hosting a drop in event next Tuesday, 3 March between 12pm and 8pm at Lambeth Town Hall for residents and businesses.

At the event G.Network will be sharing the current upgrade plans for each ward as well as answering any questions around the installation process.

Drop in event hosted on the 3rd March between 12pm and 8pm at Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton, London, SW2 1RW – no need to book.

What can I expect at the event?

  1. Find out more about the installation process and when this will be coming to your street.
  2. Understand more about full fibre broadband and the differences between full fibre and existing copper cabling.
  3. Register your interest with G.Network so that you can be kept up to date with the roll out plans.

Road safety measures coming to Acre Lane

Acre Lane will see a speed table installed plus several humps from neighbouring roads, if new proposals are approved. A current consultation has the following plans:

  • A full speed table at the junction of Acre Lane and Baytree Road
  • Road humps at the junctions of Acre Lane with Branksome Road and Strathleven Road, and several roads on the north side of Acre Lane

These changes are designed to reduce drivers’ speeds when turning and to reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians. The measures will, in addition, provide a level surface for pedestrians crossing the side roads.

If you have an objections or any other representation relating to the proposed road humps, you should make them in writing. All objections must specify the grounds on which they are made and should be sent to Barbara Poulter by 6 March 2020 by emails to bpoulter@lambeth.gov.uk quoting reference A2217 COLLISION REDUCTION PROGRAMME.  Any objection may be communicated to, or be seen by, other persons who may have an interest in this matter.